Routine #1

50 scissor kicks (Lying on your back, head lifted, looking at toes - scissors sideways, wide, fast)
45 second back blast (45 seconds each w/o resting arms in front, out at sides, behind you w/ palms up, and then at sides bent)*
20 push-ups**
25 v-ups w/ good form (don't let heels touch down)
25 inch-worms
10 pull-ups
20 tuck jumps***
30/30/30 calf raises (left, right, both - standing on a step for full ROM)
10 leg lifts (lift legs up to pull up bar - straight legs)

and then stretch your whole body.

*add weights as these get easy
**with elbows in as these get easy
*** starting in a deep squat when they get too easy

you can also add:
side planks - 45 seconds/side
bicycles - 50
plank w/ feet on rolling chair - arms straight - bring body forward and back using shoulders (rotator cuff?) 10 times. (These are really, really hard for me!)

Courtesy of Matt Russo, former TSNY instructor, now with Cirque du Soleil

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