Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

The good, the bad and the ugly

The good:
1. Last week was the first that I've ever logged more than 20 run miles in a week.
2. Nothing feels better than starting the day after a run with enough energy burned to focus on work and ending it with a swim that readies you for sleep.
3. My 3 mile run test was one second faster than January's despite the ungodly hour, 15 degree temps and fatigue from Sunday's run
4. Tomorrow I can sleep until 7.
5. I held my own in intermediate swim tonight.

The bad
1. The aforementioned frigid temperatures this morning were painful! I thought that I had gotten used to the cold. Today proved me wrong. My lungs were begging for mercy.
2. My daughter is in my bed. I can't seem to kick her out.

The ugly
1. The bruise I got from repeatedly pushing off the wall at swim. Ow! I think I ruptured a blood vessel in my forearm.

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