Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mercury in Retrograde

Is it because I'm less than a week out from NYC Tri?  Or 5 days out from my trip to Israel?  Is it because I am just tired?  Who knows.  It's really not about excuses anyway.  Today was an off day at trapeze.  Some days are.  But my body felt like it was able to do what it needed to do.  This was more a mental issue.  How to not let the little annoyances effect my flying and how to focus ONLY on the trick that I'm performing.  Today I couldn't shut out the distractions.  This is something I've been working on, and will continue to strive to improve upon.

So here are my to catch/attempts of the evening.


and 2

Not at all impressive.  Especially when I know that I'm capable of.

However, since I tend to be more Pollyanna than Debbie Downer, let's focus on the positive:

This is a video of my layout 3 months ago.

Even in my mediocre showing today, I am tighter than I was then, flying higher and straighter, and better able to recover from a long trick/low return than I would have been able to back then.  Though not in evidence tonight, returns are becoming commonplace and higher all the time.  And I'm working on a fun and challenging trick, that I fully expect to master in the not too distant future. (The layout full - I'll have to get some trick-practice video footage to memorialize what I've been up to this summer!)

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