Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fly Show!

Quick post - in all the excitement surrounding Rev3, I forgot to mention our fabulous intermediate IFW trapeze show on Friday night.  Everyone flew beautifully.  Many of us flew out of lines, the first, I think, for students in a TSNY show.  I threw and did round trips on my splits and layouts.  Not picture-perfect, but hey, a round trip is a round trip, right?  Hopefully, I'll have photos or videos to add soon, though I didn't take any.

It's definitely a great feeling when you work on a trick and see progress on it.  Now to work on my pull ups so I can convince the crew to let me eventually take my mod out of lines!!

1 comment:

Lizzy said...

I keep wanting to write a post about this show and not being able to do it too! Trying to put the video up and then I will do it!

Well, at least you can look at all the pull ups as good cross training for the swim! Love, Lizzy