Thursday, December 15, 2011

Something Old, Something New

Well, sort of, anyway.  More like something old, and something even older...

A long time ago, in what was my second year of trapeze, one of my instructors told me that you need two classes a week to maintain, and three to improve.  Now it's clear from the extremely slow progress that I'm making on my layout full that his statement was a pretty accurate assessment of trapeze progress, at least as it pertains to me.

The sad reality is, however, that I can't and won't be able to take more than two classes a week, at least not at this point in my trapeze progress.  Part of that has to do with my availability. The other has to do with elite level instruction.  The only classes during which you can throw tricks out of lines at TSNY are intermediate level classes.  Those meet on Wednesday and Sunday nights, and are the two classes a week I'm already signed up for.  I'd be theoretically willing to occasionally take a non-intermediate class if I knew who was on lines and catching, and do have another time slot that I've been eyeing and will try out, but in the interim have decided to make the most of my two nights of flying.

What that means in concrete terms is that on Sundays I'll be working on the mod, and Wednesdays on the full.

This past Sunday I threw the mod in practice and then to Josh for catches.  While we caught it both times, we still need to work on timing.  Alas, no videos this go around.  It's nice, though, to just have to do slight tweaks on this ready-to-go trick

Wednesdays for now will be layout full day.  Hopefully working on both tricks, one on each day will positively effect them both.  I will say that in the short time I'm been splitting up my days, I've been approaching trapeze with a lot more of the joy and less of the frustration that I want to bring to the rig.


Lizzy said...

Less frustration!??? You are so onto something then!

Unknown said...

Ha! I hope so, Lizzy. We'll see how it all pans out! You know how it is - months and months on the same trick with so little progress... while I love the full, I love progress too.